Keeping a Party Journal
By Laurel Ennis
Think about the parties you've been to in the past few years. Don't they tend to run into each other in your memory? It's hard to remember if you met an associate's wife at the company picnic or the Christmas party. For women choosing a party dress, it's important to remember if you wore the same dress to another party that season. Who was it you were talking to at the last open-house about your plans to expand your market? Which employee was it that had too much to drink at the Christmas Party? You wanted to have a word with him, but can't recall who it was. Last year did you serve turkey or ham? There are so many details to keep track of that lots of important details get lost, especially if you are so busy throwing a party that you don't have time to "work" the party.
A very useful tool to help you keep track of the details of a party, is keeping a Party Journal. Set up a file in your word processor to record details of your parties. At the end of each event, take a moment to add details from your parties to your Journal while the information is fresh in your mind. Review your Journal when planning your next party. It can serve as a source of inspiration for other events.
Party Planning
* Keep track of who is helping you throw the party. If you live in the Surrey/White Rock BC area, Shindigs Party Planning should be on your list. Caterers DJ's Musicians Rental companies Hotels or restaurants in which the event is held. Contact people there. * Contact information for all the people working with you so you can hire them again for other parties. * Guest Lists. * You can keep RSVP info. Or note that Shindigs did that for you.
* Business contacts information.
* Spouses names and distinguishing characteristics.
* Note individual's hobbies, or interests.
* Make note of associate's children.
* Note when important events occur in the lives of your associates, make note of them. Such as a wedding, a new baby, a child's graduation, buying or renovating a house, etc so that you can remember to ask about it at future events or send congratulatory gifts at the appropriate time. This will endear you to the people involved.
Business Associates
* Naturally, collecting business cards is important. You can keep these in a journal, or scan them into business card management software. Make note of any new contacts you made at each event so that you can jog your memory with this entry and when you see them again you can say "I haven't seen you since our party in February to celebrate the launch of our new branch. Tell me more about that new product in development you were talking about."
* Remember that even people who are your customers may not know all that you do. Make a point of talking to your clients about other aspects of your business that they don't use yet. Make a note of the topics you discussed with which client. Then you can follow up later with a more in depth letter or E-mail.
* Note any follow-up you need to do with guests.
Party Details
* What was the purpose of your party? Was it a new company launch? An important milestone? A way to introduce everyone to your new Vice President? An employee appreciation party? A holiday party? Keeping track of these parties separately helps you distinguish one from another over the years. Remember that every party should have a purpose.
* Food and drinks served. Keeping track of the menu and wine list is key so you don't serve the same thing at every party. Keeping track of this info can also be useful for future party planning
* If it was a party with a meal, make note of the table décor, centerpieces, place cards, china and linens.
* Make note of your clothing. That way you can avoid showing up to another event wearing the same outfit you wore to this party. Some people take a digital photo of themselves with their spouse before they go to a party and then later scan the photo into their Journal. That way they recall exactly what each wore that night.
* Décor. Make note of the decorations. Digital photos are a great way to keep a record of how your party looked so that next year you can change the look and feel of the event. Each party should be a new experience.
* Review your party afterwards. In what ways was it successful? In what ways could it have been better? Was all the food a hit? Did the caterer run out of anything? Did anyone in your employ behave inappropriately? Is there anyone you would not invite again? Is there someone new you want to invite to future parties? Were there requests for anything which could not be satisfied? Was there enough seating? Would it have been better to hold your next party at another venue? Did your party planner have any ideas you didn't use this time, but want to use in future parties? Did anyone lose anything? Form a Lost and Found for such contingencies.
Other People's Parties
* When going to other people's parties you can make note of things you liked or disliked about the experience and share that info with your party planner to help make sure your events are better.
* Keep track of contacts made at other people's parties.
* Make sure to invite everyone to your parties who invited you to theirs.
* Make note of party ideas you've seen in magazines or movies. Keeping a file of future party ideas is great for the next time you are sitting down with a party planner to plan your next event. You could have a treasury of party inspiration at your fingertips.
* Even events you didn't attend but heard about can be noted in this section. If someone tells you about a fabulous event jot down what the person thought were the highlights to make sure that you have people talking about your events in the same way.
* Scan in photos from newspapers or magazines for inspirational sake or to show your party planner.
Keeping a Party Journal is also a great window into your life. What if you could sit down with your Great-Grandmother's party journal today? I actually can. My Grandmother was born in 1880. She documented, all too briefly, her social events. She wrote down who left their calling cards on which days, which church social she attended, what she wore, which hat and which pair of gloves, and with whom she danced at cotillions. It was a wonderful treasure to find in the attic. You children and theirs will smile to read about your parties, your pictures of what you wore, what you ate, and what music you listened to. It can become a treasured family document passed down from generation to generation. One day your Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren may throw a party based on one her ancestors had thrown, much to the astonishment and delight of her friends. A REAL 20th century party from the olden days! How frigid is that?
Laurel Ennis is a co-owner of Shindigs Party Planning. She is also a professional Interior Decorator.
Shindigs Party Planning is located in Surrey, B.C. Canada. Shindigs specializes in home and business party planning. 604.536.4777.
Think about the parties you've been to in the past few years. Don't they tend to run into each other in your memory? It's hard to remember if you met an associate's wife at the company picnic or the Christmas party. For women choosing a party dress, it's important to remember if you wore the same dress to another party that season. Who was it you were talking to at the last open-house about your plans to expand your market? Which employee was it that had too much to drink at the Christmas Party? You wanted to have a word with him, but can't recall who it was. Last year did you serve turkey or ham? There are so many details to keep track of that lots of important details get lost, especially if you are so busy throwing a party that you don't have time to "work" the party.
A very useful tool to help you keep track of the details of a party, is keeping a Party Journal. Set up a file in your word processor to record details of your parties. At the end of each event, take a moment to add details from your parties to your Journal while the information is fresh in your mind. Review your Journal when planning your next party. It can serve as a source of inspiration for other events.
Party Planning
* Keep track of who is helping you throw the party. If you live in the Surrey/White Rock BC area, Shindigs Party Planning should be on your list. Caterers DJ's Musicians Rental companies Hotels or restaurants in which the event is held. Contact people there. * Contact information for all the people working with you so you can hire them again for other parties. * Guest Lists. * You can keep RSVP info. Or note that Shindigs did that for you.
* Business contacts information.
* Spouses names and distinguishing characteristics.
* Note individual's hobbies, or interests.
* Make note of associate's children.
* Note when important events occur in the lives of your associates, make note of them. Such as a wedding, a new baby, a child's graduation, buying or renovating a house, etc so that you can remember to ask about it at future events or send congratulatory gifts at the appropriate time. This will endear you to the people involved.
Business Associates
* Naturally, collecting business cards is important. You can keep these in a journal, or scan them into business card management software. Make note of any new contacts you made at each event so that you can jog your memory with this entry and when you see them again you can say "I haven't seen you since our party in February to celebrate the launch of our new branch. Tell me more about that new product in development you were talking about."
* Remember that even people who are your customers may not know all that you do. Make a point of talking to your clients about other aspects of your business that they don't use yet. Make a note of the topics you discussed with which client. Then you can follow up later with a more in depth letter or E-mail.
* Note any follow-up you need to do with guests.
Party Details
* What was the purpose of your party? Was it a new company launch? An important milestone? A way to introduce everyone to your new Vice President? An employee appreciation party? A holiday party? Keeping track of these parties separately helps you distinguish one from another over the years. Remember that every party should have a purpose.
* Food and drinks served. Keeping track of the menu and wine list is key so you don't serve the same thing at every party. Keeping track of this info can also be useful for future party planning
* If it was a party with a meal, make note of the table décor, centerpieces, place cards, china and linens.
* Make note of your clothing. That way you can avoid showing up to another event wearing the same outfit you wore to this party. Some people take a digital photo of themselves with their spouse before they go to a party and then later scan the photo into their Journal. That way they recall exactly what each wore that night.
* Décor. Make note of the decorations. Digital photos are a great way to keep a record of how your party looked so that next year you can change the look and feel of the event. Each party should be a new experience.
* Review your party afterwards. In what ways was it successful? In what ways could it have been better? Was all the food a hit? Did the caterer run out of anything? Did anyone in your employ behave inappropriately? Is there anyone you would not invite again? Is there someone new you want to invite to future parties? Were there requests for anything which could not be satisfied? Was there enough seating? Would it have been better to hold your next party at another venue? Did your party planner have any ideas you didn't use this time, but want to use in future parties? Did anyone lose anything? Form a Lost and Found for such contingencies.
Other People's Parties
* When going to other people's parties you can make note of things you liked or disliked about the experience and share that info with your party planner to help make sure your events are better.
* Keep track of contacts made at other people's parties.
* Make sure to invite everyone to your parties who invited you to theirs.
* Make note of party ideas you've seen in magazines or movies. Keeping a file of future party ideas is great for the next time you are sitting down with a party planner to plan your next event. You could have a treasury of party inspiration at your fingertips.
* Even events you didn't attend but heard about can be noted in this section. If someone tells you about a fabulous event jot down what the person thought were the highlights to make sure that you have people talking about your events in the same way.
* Scan in photos from newspapers or magazines for inspirational sake or to show your party planner.
Keeping a Party Journal is also a great window into your life. What if you could sit down with your Great-Grandmother's party journal today? I actually can. My Grandmother was born in 1880. She documented, all too briefly, her social events. She wrote down who left their calling cards on which days, which church social she attended, what she wore, which hat and which pair of gloves, and with whom she danced at cotillions. It was a wonderful treasure to find in the attic. You children and theirs will smile to read about your parties, your pictures of what you wore, what you ate, and what music you listened to. It can become a treasured family document passed down from generation to generation. One day your Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren may throw a party based on one her ancestors had thrown, much to the astonishment and delight of her friends. A REAL 20th century party from the olden days! How frigid is that?
Laurel Ennis is a co-owner of Shindigs Party Planning. She is also a professional Interior Decorator.
Shindigs Party Planning is located in Surrey, B.C. Canada. Shindigs specializes in home and business party planning. 604.536.4777.
Labels: Party-Planning
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